Friday, May 28, 2010

this weekend we are going camping and i
am so excited i will post some pictures
after the trip !

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Strawberry picking fun!

A bunch of friends went to go pick strawberrys!!

Still can not figure out how to get the pictures
to rotate LoL

very tired of picking srrawberrys J K

My yummy looking strawberrys that I picked



It was a great day !!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Flip Floppin Fun Boutique

As some of you may know morgan put up a post called New in 
2010  i  have had some questions about what do we sell so
I am going to put up some pics

this is the name of the store!

this is one of the naclaces Morgan made we sell beaded jewelry

this is what we call a totaly tote bag

floppy,flip,flops these are some differnt kinds!

tis is the front of a crafty clipboards

this is the back of a crafty clipboard

these are some charms on pantyhose we really dont have a name
for them!

these are called flower pens 

this is called braded jewelry you can pick up to five colors
but the minimum is two!

these are all not all of the things we sell but these are some of them
the rest are at morgans house so
if you would like to by something you can leave a comment
under this post you can ask what the cost is in the comment but i did not have time to put them up
you can also tell us how you would like your items made such as what kind of charm, string colors,so
on and so forth hope you like some of the things we sell!!
abby and morgan

Thank You

I would like to say thank you to Lisa for the pink laptop she gave us I am really thankful for it and love it alot
so lisa thank you it has helped me to do lots of things on my blog ! thanks again

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Paper Fashions

I can't get the spacing to work between pictures!


another quiz!!!!

1: Apples, Oranges or Bananas? nanners (bannanas)

2: How many siblings do you have?

3: How old are you? ??????

4: Do you live on/in a prairie, woodland, swamp, city or other? City...

5: Scissors or glue? not quit sure

6: Describe your dream house. big and i would like to design it and decorate it myself!!!!!

7: Is your room clean? yes suprise suprise!!!!

8: If you could be a movie character for a day, who would you be? idk

9: Italy, Greece, France, Spain or England? France cause thats where paris is i think lol

10: What denomination are you? Christian!

11: Do you sleep with a stuffed toy (BE HONEST!!!!)yes her name is ali she is a stuff bunny

12: Gum, chocolate, or jelly beans? chocolate all the way!!!

13: What is your favorite book? the penderwicks book one and two!!!!

14: Favorite ice cream flavor? mint choclate chip !!!

15: If you had to eat one type of food for two weeks, what would that food be? chicken

16: What is your favorite Olympic sport. swimming

17: If you woke up and discovered that you had turned into Miley Cyrus for the day, what would you do. idk

18: Describe yourself in three words. artistic, funny, wierd!!!!

19: What chore do you hate? vacuming the stairs and entry!!!! I hate it

Saturday, May 8, 2010


5th-8th grade went to williamsburg VA we had an awesome time we went from wenesday from 6:30am to saturday 6:30pm. we drove to williams burg on wenesday and went to presidential park at 3:30 that day then we ate at Chick-fil-a that night the girls got to go swimming and the boys got to play games!!! the next day we woke up and went to historic Jamestown that morning and then the rest of the day we went to Williamsburg we ate at Sheilds Tavern it was very good!!!! we went to a candle light service that night. the next day we went to Jamestown and yorktown we ate at crackerbarel and then back to the hotel and it was the boys turn to swim and the girls turn to play games then it was off to bed then home the next day it was an awesome trip!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The lake

Today sunday I went with tessa to the lake we rode on her speed boat and bounced up and down on waves I had alot of fun there was also this man who had a pet fish tied on to his boat and as tessa and I walked by he splashed us with his tale we got a little wet then this kind lady let us tour her huge boat and they live on it!!!! not so sure if i would like to live on a boat lol!!!! the funny thing was she had two dogs and one of them could sing happy birthday it was cool any way if you want to know more about this post you can go to tessa's blog she has pictures of us I have her button on my page chase your dreams please leave a comment